Friday, August 22, 2008

eisenhower uncirculatred silver dollars Information

Our Featured Numismatists Article

Gold & Silver Coin Bullion Info

Investors may buy gold for a variety of reasons: among them include a desire to diversify their assets; to hide wealth from tax authorities; for reasons of political belief (e.g. libertarian); or out of fear of an economic depression or other serious crisis (e.g. gold bug).
Buy hungarian gold coins in our store.

Does it pass the silver coin ring test? Silver coins have a distinctive ring when held on the tip of a finger and tapped with another coin. Be careful doing this test, though; you don't want to ding or damage the coin, or drop it onto a hard surface, so use some judgement. The ring test can be helpful when all other easy methods of checking are inconclusive. Remember, if something ever feels "wrong" about a silver coin, don't buy it! Trust your instincts! And if you've already bought it, send it back!
Buy American Eagle gold coins.

Most U.S. National Bank Notes are relatively inexpensive, although the range in value is quite large. The definition of "common" may also not be typical with National Bank Notes, as a note from a bank with only a couple of dozen notes known may be considered "common." This is because, while there only may be a limited number of notes known from a specific bank, more than 14,000 National Banks were chartered to issue these notes, and no single collector can reasonably hope to own them all. As such, most collectors specialize in a single state, city, or even bank. As a result, there may only be a small number of collectors interested in notes from a particular bank, so supply and demand is the overriding factor in value. A note from a bank with as few as five or six notes known may only be worth a small amount of money if only two or three interested collectors are in the market for such a note. The standard reference book to National Bank Notes, by Don C. Kelly, is a must for research on this series of notes.
Buy silver dollars for a great investment.

Gold bullion coins usually come in 1 oz, 1/2 oz, 1/4 oz, 1/10 and 1/20 oz. sizes. Most countries have one design that remains constant each year; others have variations each year, and in most cases each coin is dated. A 1/10th oz bullion coin is about the same size as a U.S. dime. A 1 oz. gold bullion coin is about the size of a U.S. half dollar.
Make your gold coins purchase in our store.

Try to invest regularly. Like the stock market, it's difficult to call the tops and bottoms in the coin market. Over the course of time, you will fare better by dollar cost averaging than investing a large amount at one time.
Buy gold coins.

american eagle silver dollars Galore

Celtic coins break sales record

Thu, 12 Jun 2008 11:48:55 +0000
Ancient coins discovered by a man with a metal detector have been auctioned for more than £35,000.
The 41 Celtic gold coins, dating back to the first half of the 1st century, were found by a mystery collector in a Kent field.
Morton and Eden auction house in London said one of the treasures broke records for ...]

Inflation Jumps 5.6%, Inflation Calculator Reflects Rise of Rates

Thu, 14 Aug 2008 16:29:01 +0000
US inflation has hit its highest point in 17 years with a rise of 5.6% over the past year according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The 1913-2008 Inflation Calculator and rate charts show inflation’s jump using the government’s latest Consumer Price Index (CPI) figures.
By entering any two dates from 1913-2008 and then a dollar ...]


Tue, 08 Jul 2008 12:46:37 +0000
The hot coin market in China is producing record prices for rare Chinese coins and paper money. Champion Galleries Hong Kong Auction sale of 22 June 2008 offered a modest 352 lots of Asian coins and paper money, of which 317 lots sold for a total of US $1,894,539. Over 100 bidders filled the packed ...]

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1893 s silver dollars
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