Thursday, November 06, 2008

1972 silver dollars worth Updates

Gold And Silver Coin Collecting Article Of The Month

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Probably the best way to start collecting paper money is to subscribe to Bank Note Reporter. It's a sort of monthly newspaper for paper money collectors and not only does it carry all the latest news about new issues, currency changes, etc., it also has advertising from a very large number of dealers and it lists paper money shows in the US and around the world. BNR offers free samples to anyone (not just in the USA). Subscriptions run about 30 dollars for 1 year (around 40 dollars outside the US). It's a very good source of information.
Buy silver dollars for a great investment.

There is a large group of people who collect world paper money. Some people focus on specific countries of interest and even specific time periods in specific countries. Often interest in paper money follows an interest in the general history as well. Some collectors focus on things ranging from notes with portaits of Queen Elizibeth to notes with pictures of boats to notes with specific serial numbers (all the same digit or very low serial numbers).
Buy rolls of American silver dollars for a great investment.

1972 silver dollars worth Stories

Archives ยป October 2008 - Newsweek Blog

Thu, 30 Oct 2008 17:07:00 GMT
When Ross Perot pioneered the half-hour presidential-campaign infomercial back in 1992, he used pie charts to make his points. Last night, Barack Obama relied on apple pie instead ...

Design Extensions Puzzle Variety Experts

Leading variety coin experts have been puzzled for several years by a type of minting process error called "design extension." Design extension, an example of which is pictured here,...

Spot Prices for Gold - Silver - Platinum - Palladium

Mon, 14 Jan 2008 18:14:51 +0000

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